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How do I report damage to the car?

Information about damage reporting.

Tove avatar
Written by Tove
Updated over 11 months ago

The most important thing you need to know about damages:

  • Check the car for damage before starting your trip.

  • Spotted damage to the car? First, check the car’s digital damage log, if it’s mentioned in the log, you don’t have to report it.

  • You only have to report new damages that's bigger than a credit card. All damages to the tires, rims and glass should be reported, no matter the size.

  • If the car is damaged during your trip, report all damages no matter the size.

Check for any damage before starting the engine. Each car has a digital damage log that you find in the booking details under “Report damages”. If you discover a damage, you can start by checking if it's mentioned in the log. If you find the damage on the list, you don't have to do anything.

Have you found a new damage that wasn't included in the damage log?

Always report new damages directly through the app. Go to your booking details and click on Report damages. Attach pictures on the damage by uploading from your photo library on your phone, or by taking pictures directly from the app.

You only have to report dents and scratches that's bigger than a credit card, but report all damages found on the tires, rims and glass. If the car is damaged during your trip, we want you to report it—even tiny scratches and dents.

You are never responsible for any damage that you report before your trip and that the previous driver may have caused.

It's good to know that your car is insured when driving with us. Want to know more about insurance? Read more here.

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