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How does key sharing work?

Here's everything you need to know about how to share your digital key with someone on a trip.

Tove avatar
Written by Tove
Updated over 11 months ago
  • You can share your key with someone from the app as soon as you’ve made a reservation.

  • The person you're sharing with needs the app and an account to accept your invitation.

  • Once accepted, both you and the person you're sharing with are able to (un)lock and drive, but only you can make, edit, or end the reservation.

How many people can I share the key with?

You can share the key with one person at a time. If you want to share it with someone else during the same reservation, ask the person you are currently sharing with to return the key. They can do it directly from their app in the reservation details.

When can I start sharing the key?

You can start sharing the key from anywhere as soon as you’ve made a reservation.

How do I stop sharing the key?

The sharing ends automatically when the reservation ends. If you want to stop sharing your key during your reservation, simply ask the person you’re sharing with to return the key in the app.

Who can I share the key with?

You can share the key with anyone who has the app and an account. They don't need to have an active price plan. If you have an upcoming reservation and know you will want to share your key with someone, you can encourage them to download the app and create an account beforehand, to make things smoother on the road.

What can and cannot the person I share the key with do?

At the moment, keys are the only thing that can be shared. The person you’re sharing your key with can unlock and lock the car and drive, and they will be able to view reservation details like start and end times in the app. They cannot make, edit, or end reservations on your account. Also, they cannot make payments on your account.

Can we both use the key at the same time?


What if something happens when I share my digital key?

You are fully responsible for any car usage during your reservation, even if it's used by someone else, including any damage to the car. For more information, see our General Terms and Conditions.

Does the insurance on my reservation cover both me and the person I share the key with?

Yes. Both you and the person you're sharing your key with will be covered by the excess reduction, and excess waiver if you select it as an add on.

What if the person I’m sharing the key with has problems opening the link?

Not to worry, just reach out to us at customer care and we’ll get it sorted for them.

Can the person I’m sharing with start and end my reservation?

Starting a reservation: The person you’re sharing with can unlock the car and start the reservation as soon as they receive the key, regardless of where you are.

Ending a reservation: Only you can end the reservation. However, as long as the person you share the key with locks the car, there is no need for you to be physically present at the car in order to end the reservation.

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